What to Expect

Join us on the Lord's Day Morning and Evening

9:00 am*

Core Seminar is what we call our Sunday School or Adult Education Hour.  Join us in the Fellowship Hall.

*We will not meet May 12 - September 1, 2025.

10:15 am

When we gather on the Lord's Day, we sing a blend of hymns and newer pieces that are rich in theology, listen to God's Word read and preached, pray, (often) confess a creed and share weekly communion.  

The service lasts about 1.5 hours and most people dress in business casual (although there is a wide variety of styles between young college students and senior adults).  

5:00 Pm*

On some specific Sunday evenings, we gather as a family and share a potluck dinner, pray and hear a devotion from God's Word.

* Please check our Events page for SNG dates.