While all genuine believers are members of the universal body of Christ, we believe Scripture teaches that such believers are to express this tangibly through membership in a specific local church. Membership in the local church is crucial for our mutual encouragement, protection, accountability and instruction.

membership process
Step 1 - Prospective Membership Class
All prospective members must attend our membership class, which is typically offered a couple of times each year. In this class, we cover topics such as the importance of joining a local church, our statement of faith, our church covenant, our philosophy of ministry and how we intend to live our lives together as the body of Christ.
Step 2 - Membership Interview
If you decide to move forward with membership at Christ Covenant after attending the class, the next step is to meet with an elder for a membership interview where we will spend time getting to know one another, answer any questions you may have about our church, hear your story of coming to faith in Christ. Prospective members will then sign our membership commitment (affirming our statement of faith and agreeing to live according to our church covenant).
Step 3 - Elder Recommendation
Upon hearing a credible profession of faith and a Biblical understanding of the gospel, the interviewing elder will recommend the candidate for membership to the congregation at the next member's meeting. The current members will be encouraged to get to know the candidate over the next few months in order to cast a meaningful vote to include the prospective member into membership.
Step 4 - Congregational Affirmation
At the following member's meeting (usually held every few months), the congregation will vote to welcome candidates into membership.